
  • Rodwork
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 3865

    I was wondering what others do when they need to clear their heads or how they relieve stress? I have notice about this time year that this site can get a little _____ when they can’t fish. I get it. Fishing is my go to but when I can’t get out I like to make rods, tackle, and wood work.

    1. Tiny-Rodwork-Custom-rods.jpg

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1390

    I know that something as simple as spinning the handle on the reel is like squeezing a stress ball.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I spend a lot of time in the garage workshop either airbrushing micro-cranks, casting jigs and painting them or injecting plastics. I have a pair of “tuned” wind chimes that need re-stringing so that’ll be a project too for the winter months. I don’t go in the room to work without turning the radio on….I love music. Another thing I have found that helps keep the mind clean is good, bright white lighting using “daylight” bulbs. And I keep the window un-covered so natural light can get in and I can see out whenever I want. Ma hangs some indoor plants right outside of the window during the warm months….I use the same hook for a bird feeder in the winter months so I can watch them when I get a break. I read a lot too.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59946

    I poured lead weights. Now that I have enough to last my lifetime, I just argue with the FW. It’s very relaxing.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5207

    I like to read and spend time with my dogs, and both are great stress-relievers. Exercise is probably the best activity for stress-reduction, clearing your mind, and energizing your body. I’m a big fan of promoting the importance of maintaining flexibility by stretching and doing things like yoga. And boxing! I really like boxing when I’m feeling frustrated.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    Gotta keep the mind engaged. Besides not catching fish, my hobbies include home brewing, playing music, collecting records, and going to concerts. Also getting way too wrapped up in my sports teams. Good old fashioned meditation is also a helpful tool if you can make a habit out of it

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11301

    Meditation, actually. I do it most mornings for a couple minutes before I start my day.

    You cant go fishing when you have to be home to make dinner or put the kids to bed. You also shouldn’t put off a stress release if you can help it.

    With all that said, I sleep better after a good fishing trip therefore my mood improves and I’m much happier.

    It becomes a viscous cycle when you can’t release stress. You don’t sleep as well, you tend to eat worse or skip meals and it all makes it harder to get out of.

    Posts: 159

    I sit down at the loading bench.
    Then go shoot up the fruits of my labor.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1089

    Take a couple puffs off the old fish whistle and go for a hike in the woods. Works every time.

    Roll in the hay with the FW works too.

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