Marcum Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam

  • Jake Anderson
    Posts: 3

    New to the site and I am thinking about purchasing a MarCum Showdown 5.6 Dual Beam flasher. How is this flasher? Quality? How good does it work compared to other flashers?

    Posts: 229

    I’m not sure how the new ones work but I did own a old one. It would blow a fuse every other trip (had a little baggie of them with me at all times). It works ok, but I went with a vex in the end. Gave it to my father-in-law but he got tired of it and got a hummingbird. Good luck and tight lines

    Perry, Michigan
    Posts: 47

    I’ve had several Vexilars, (I update from time to time) and have never had a problem.

    Posts: 493

    Put a 5 amp fuse in. Plug charger into unit then into the wall should solve blowing fuse.

    Posts: 214

    I’ve had mine going on the second year now. I love it. It works great. Easy to ready and doesn’t break the bank. I’d get another one in a minute! Father in law has a Vex FL-18 and Mine has better target separation and zoom than his. When I got it last year he started asking me what I was seeing on mine it works so good.

    Wharf Rat
    Posts: 265

    I have a Troller 2.0 and while I realize these two are not the same I think one of the other Marcum models like the VX-1 or the LX-3 offer better features for almost the same price. I recently bought an LX-3 and now I almost never use the Troller.

    John Shear
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 205

    Wife wanted a flasher a few years ago but didn’t understand how to interpret the round dials. So I got her a Showdown 5.6 off Ebay and she likes that a lot. It has very good resolution and built-in heater so the LCD is quite responsive. The only reason I don’t use it is I like color so I have an LX-5.


    Kent Tau
    Posts: 205

    I actually need color.. I couldn’t identify anything with black and white. My bro in law praised his shodown so much, but after seeing me catching fish and a glimpse of my lx7 he was amazed. Im sure he regrets buying not only 1 but 2 now.

    Andy Groskreutz
    Posts: 27

    They fixed the fuse issue. I brought my older one into Marcum and they replaced a cable harness and no more blown fuses. So if you have an older one ask customer service about it they will take care of you. It’s a great unit at a great price. I sold mine only because I prefer the dial style.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Save your money and buy a Showdown Troller. What matters is seeing catchable fish responding to your presentation and the Troller does that well for the price. Heck buy 2 so you can take a kid or a buddy and it’ll be money well spent. I’ve been using nothing but my Troller for 3 years now and can catch as many fish or more than the guys with me with the flashy flashers.

    Posts: 214

    I actually need color.. I couldn’t identify anything with black and white. My bro in law praised his shodown so much, but after seeing me catching fish and a glimpse of my lx7 he was amazed. Im sure he regrets buying not only 1 but 2 now.

    You can’t compere these two. The 7 is ten times the unit and cost more. I’m fished with my friends and if I could have swung the price I’d have one.

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