Wanting to build some ice jigs

  • iowabucks
    SE Iowa
    Posts: 20

    Hey everyone, i’m looking to build some simple blade type ice jigs this year. I know it can be done pretty cheap, just trying to find the right size/shape of blade and get some tips from anyone that has done this before.

    I see Worth Company and Tackle-Craft both sell blades, heck i could even go the Ebay route if i wanted to. I need to contact them to confirm the different sizes they make. I know how to solder so that shouldn’t be a problem, but is there a certain type of solder that works well with nickel plated or polished brass blades?

    Anyone know where to get Demon style blades?

    I have the paint needed to finish these off but also thought about buying some flat “eyes” to maybe try them out too.

    This is the style and size i was hoping to make. Anybody know what size hooks these are?

    Anxious to get going on this, so thanks to all for your input.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The Demons do not have a blade. They are cast in that shape.

    For the other blades you mention, you’ll want to use the solder sold specifically for this purpose and you’ll want a very hot, very high wattage electric soldering iron.

    You do know there are places to purchase many of the common ice jigs alreadt cast and just needing paint?

    Posts: 198

    CT, actually the “Original” Demons, the Custom Jigs & Spins Demons, do have a blade. It’s a custom blade we have made only for us.It’s the lesser Knock-offs that don’t use a blade and are indeed cast as 1 piece of lead.
    Maybe that’s why are Demons are such hot sellers.

    SE Iowa
    Posts: 20

    I will definately be putting in an order to you Bob within the next month. I did last year, you have a very good selection of ice jigs.

    I have been in the mood to start pouring lead and build my own crappie jigs lately, and when that didn’t happen this summer i have turned my attention to ice fishing.

    I have been in a DIY kinda mood lately so i thought i would try and make my own blade style jigs just for the satisfaction of it.

    Posts: 198

    I completely understand when guys want to make/paint their own special jigs. Seems to make that Big catch even more satisfying. Lucky for me most guys are too busy or unwilling to get all the components to do it!!! Unless you buy in massive quantities, costs can run the same, or usually more than buying a completed jig when factoring all costs in.
    Bring on the ice!!!!!!!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    CT, actually the “Original” Demons, the Custom Jigs & Spins Demons, do have a blade. It’s a custom blade we have made only for us.It’s the lesser Knock-offs that don’t use a blade and are indeed cast as 1 piece of lead.
    Maybe that’s why are Demons are such hot sellers.

    After I posted that I got to thinking and pulled out my bag and boxes. I actually had only 2 “demons” in my tackle with the single hook, all the rest are jigging demon spoons. One of those two has the paint off about the top 1/2 of both sides and its all lead. I must have picked up a bogus one somewhere.

    I need to pick up some more standard demons. There is one two-color number that I really like and being without it is not good.

    Golden, CO
    Posts: 110

    Definitely hard to beat the demons. I’ve had times where nothing can compare.

    A few years ago I started making some custom jigs. It’s a lot of fun when you can’t get out on the ice. As Bob said, you really need to make large quantities to start saving money, and you for sure won’t stop buying a few jigs everytime you swing by Gander or a bait shop.

    Check out Jann’s Netcraft; http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/ice-fishing-blades/

    They don’t have anything like the demon, but I have had great luck ordering parts for anything from jigs to fly rods.

    Good luck and have fun.

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