Cannon / other Faribault lakes

  • snowster
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 54

    Any reports of the fishing around Fairbault. Thinking of setting up on Cannon this weekend. Thanks in advance.

    Posts: 1009

    Mazaska is putting some nice crappies out! we fished it on Sunday from 2:30 till 5PM and got constant action with 8 keeper ranging from 11″-14.5″ and a few nice sunnies! we fished in 24 FOW with a perch colored ice jig and a small pink forage minnow! tipped that with a minnow head! that got most of the big fish!

    hope this helps!

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 54

    Thanks for the info, TheguN. We will be making a full day of it. Any one heard of any eye action in this area?

    Randolph, MN
    Posts: 244

    i’m sure with this cold weather, ice has been making pretty good, but just wondering if there are some cautious areas?

    Might try to hit some of these lakes this weekend

    Posts: 1009

    well i wish i could help ya on the walleyes around there but i have very limited time spent over there fishing this year! we did make a trip to circle and got some nice walleyes on tip up with a fathead on a plain hook with a red bead above it a few weeks ago that bite was right at dusk and after! in about 8FOW had to turn lights out in shack to get a bite!

    been catching a lot of walleyes on lake pepin! just a hair to small! good #s good ones are far and few between!

    if ya go to cannon watch the ice! there are springs out there not to mention the always present current!

    should be good just dont get careless!

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