typical mid winter fish movements

  • AkDan
    Posts: 104

    Curious here. Knowing we have a bunch of pro fisher types what do you look for in in regarding mid winter to late winter conditions. Lots of ice, not so much daylight, extreme cold, and a dropping barometer.

    I’ve alays been told fish tend to go deep not so much looking for warmer water but more oxygen after the weedbeads die.

    It sure seems like some fish shut down all together while other fish (different or same species) on a different lake are hot. Went out sunday on a lake I’ve never fished before and slayed the char and silver salmon through the ice. was suprised not to find any rainbows. This lake is muddier then the typical lake I fish for similar species.

    central Iowa
    Posts: 10

    I think you lost me when you asked for pro fisher types!! Then you talked about Char and silver salmon and really lost me. Here in Iowa we don’t have these!! After perousing my thoughts , I decided I didn’t know what to say…soooo I said nothing!!
    Of course you know I’m just kidding!!!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I might be looking into this a little deep into this but it seems that I find find the pressure has alot to do with it. If a high is coming through for me it seems the end of the second day or the whole third day is the best time for fishing. When the low comes through they just shut off. Maybe I have no idea what I am talking about but it works if you try it!

    Posts: 104


    I’ve noticed that also, very much so depending on the lake and species (silvers will bite any day of the week if you find them).

    Don’t let the area twist your mind, these fish will undergo typical movements throughout the year, my goal is to learn these movements. Have spent some time with the local biologist, I am sure she’s had enough of me so far though.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    All this talk about those oily fish is making my tummy rumble. The only time I can fish them is in summer on the great lake!! Big lakers, a king once in a while and a ton of pinks!!

    Posts: 104

    Well get up here!!!

    btw, I forgot to ask my old man about that crappie lake. Going to call him this weekend again. DONT let me forget LOL.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    NOTE TO AKDAN CALL HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 104

    LOL< it’s only thursday nite you goof!

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