James, do you know anyone…..

  • steuben1
    Posts: 177

    ….who is down on their luck and may need a non insulated Camo Otter Lodge canvas? I was fortunate enough last year to get a full thermal tent from Santa and was out cleaning my shop this morning and seen the Otter tent sitting on my rack. I’m never going to use it so I thought I could give it to someone who may need it. The only thing I did to it was cut the window out of the left side for more ventilation. Other than that its in great shape and would be a shame to let it sit in my shop. If you know of anyone, please let me know and I would be willing to ship it to them.


    Southeast Wisconsin
    Posts: 7

    That’s a great thing you’re trying to do. I hope it finds a new good home.

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956


    That’s a great thing you’re trying to do. I hope it finds a new good home.

    X 2

    Posts: 1960

    Very nice. Good on you for it!


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924

    Hey Jeff

    I don’t know of anyone off the bat but this post alone should be a great way to find someone in need of one. Anyone??

    PS – you should be the recipient of some fine fish-catching mojo for this gesture!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    Define “in need”.

    Just kidding. What a nice gesture.

    Posts: 2218

    no need for it but for the offer to someone in need!

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