Open Water Tip ups?

  • fishingdaskoal
    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I love tip up fishing so much, I wish there was someway to rig one up so you could throw it out on a lake, and watch them in your boat. If its legal.
    Ive done jug fishing, where you just throw them out and wait for them to move.
    I was thinking you could screw them to wood, or something that floats.

    Any idears?

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I think that is called a “bobber”. LOL

    Gator Hunter

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    What is alot of fun is night fishing using lighted bobbers. Looks neat [the light on the bobber] and lots of fun watching a fish pull it under. Lots of fun on smaller lakes when fishing for panfish.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Joe: A couple wheelbarrow innertubes should work just fine!!

    Western Wisconsin
    Posts: 228

    I would think that those Polar ones, that are like 14 inches across, plastic, and circular….i bet those tip ups would float….just tie a rope to em and when the flag goes up drag it in and set it….haha. That’d be interesting

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Jug fishing is legal here in Iowa. If you need a flag, just duct tape one to a 20oz bottle and tie the line around the neck. They stand straight up in the water when a cat grabs one.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Yeah. I just love seeing the site of a flag. Thanks for the “ideas”.

    Richland Center, Wisconsin
    Posts: 67

    i either saw a commercial for, or saw an ad in a magazine for open water tip-ups that could also be used for ice fishing, or vice versa…..they looked just like the polar ones from frabill but that wasn’t the brand. if i find it i’ll let you know

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