How did it go?

  • sktrwx2200
    Posts: 727

    How did the holiday weekend fishing go on Mille lacs? Any reports? Whats was the water temp?

    Posts: 292

    62-63 degrees alot of small walleyes but some nice ones too. We found them on the late spring areas during the day but some people were out on the mud.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    It was a fun day on Saturday, I was still using jig/shiner combo from 11-13 feet of water. Lots of fun! Rock bass, smallies, and walleyes were caught and it was flat calm the majority of the day. Was also great to see all the boats out enjoying the day, lots of fish being caught.

    Posts: 10

    Fished Garrison area friday and saturday. Picked up a few nice walleyes in the waves on Friday pulling salmo hornets in 6-10ft. Saturday was a little slower only managed one decent walleye in a few hours of trolling but lots of smallies. Should’ve pry tried a lil deeper with the calm water. grin

    Jeff Iverson
    Posts: 56

    Fished reefs 12-22 FOW on Monday during the day. 62-63 degrees and decided to pull spinners. Caught 14 or so and size was everything from 12″- 23+. The best fish during the day came from a little deeper. I’ve caught fish over the last few weeks doing everything I’ve tried. It’s really been a fun bite!

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