Rainy Lake – Kettle Falls Area Report

  • Labvolt
    Posts: 30


    The family and I returned from a 4 day trip to the Kettle Falls area. We fished both the US and Canadian sides. Best luck was in Canada in the shallow bays where emergent weed growth held baitfish and real-fish. We tried a lot of methods:
    -shallow-running crankbaits (4 of us in the boat, so 4 lines with 2 on planer-boards), a multitude of colors…with limited success
    -spinners, lots of different colors, slow to fast speeds with minnows…limited success
    -jig with minnow, various shades of green and some yellow, some success (nice bass was caught on a green jig).
    -plain lindy-rig with minnow…best success…and, therefore, used the most. We slow-trolled and drifted the lindy’s in/out of the weeds and caught quite a few fish

    Many of our fish were larger 18″+, with the largest at 24″. The bite was not super-fast, but it kept a 4 and 7-year-old interested to fish for at least three hours in the evening.

    Fished in- and around- K. Falls river areas and the Bear Creek in Canada. Some fish, but not as hot as others.

    Two days ago we traveled a lot on the Canadian side. We tried just outside of Rat-River-Bay…56F water temp and emergent weeds in 4-6 FOW made us think we would slay them…we were wrong.

    We tried several areas in the adjacent Pound-Net-Bay with very limited success.

    We finally admitted that Stokes bay held the best promise (nice to have a West wind blowing in to Stokes as well) and fished there most of the time.

    Stopped in at Stokes Bay Resort to check-it-out and maybe buy some stuff, but nobody but the dog was home. Interesting camp.

    AM and PM bites were best. When we arrived the main-lake water temp (we drove across Rainy) was about 53; yesterday the temp in the Stokes bay was 61. Main lake temp today (AM return trip) was 55-6. Definite warm-up happening.

    A couple photos of the family with mom’s 20+” bass and one son with a 24″ W.

    Enjoyed the trip. Want to try the area in July next time and see how much more fun the reef-fishing can be.

    Posts: 5660

    Thanks for the report Labvolt!!

    Sounds like you guys did a lot of exploring!! Yep the water temps have been very cool for this time of year. Finding current/cuts in combination with emerging weeds has been the key thus far this season. Expect patterns to change soon with warmer weather finally. The July-September bite can be fantastic, and no reason to travel to Canada for big numbers of big fish!! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Nice Pics!!

    Posts: 2

    Helpful report. We are heading to NW Bay late next week.

    Did you happen to weigh the wife’s Smallmouth?

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