Report 8.04-8.06

  • Labvolt
    Posts: 30

    My son (holding a nice eater in the pict) and I fished the garden island area on Tues eve and Wed. Good bite, lots of eaters and plenty of small ones for the future. We pulled hammered gold spinners in 15-21 f.o.w. and (barely) survived the NW/SW winds. When we could fish, we caught them, but plenty of time was spent building sand castles and hiding from the wind.

    Today we tried 5-mile reef out of Warroad and graphed some fish, but didn’t have much luck…best day of the trip (no wind, sunny and warm)…but we were short on time had to go home…would have been a great day to hit garden.

    Many more trips to come. Lots more catching.

    It was my third trip to the garden is. area this year, and it has never disappointed. Water temps were still only 64-66 and the fish seemed to be most everywhere. We talked with the guide-boats at shore-lunch. They were fishing a bit deeper (26-30 fow) and having decent luck too-jig and minnow.

    Can’t beat the success on LOW, just get them to turn off the fans before you venture out.


    Posts: 604

    nice work Jason, good to see you guys are still alive after the summer of all your trips. Some day I’m gonna get a gig like that. Looking forward to seeing you guys next week.

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