
  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59946

    Are you guys ok?

    I’ve been watching for you on line and haven’t seen you.

    Did the flood water stay at bay for you?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59946

    I was trying to post before you logged off…2Jranch…I meant.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    We didn’t get flooded by the high water, but since we are at the bottom of a basin our culverts got clogged up with wood and debris which caused it to run down the driveway and wash out some of the driveway. We have a large hill back behind the house and have a couple of mud slides that came down to within 8 ft of the house. Once the ground firms up I’ll load it out with skidsteer. Some wash outs on some of our other driveways. It just gives us an opportunity to play with our farm toys. Thanks for asking BK.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59946

    Great news Jim!

    Do you really need a reason to play with the farm toys though?

    Say Hi to June for me!

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Say Hi to June for me!

    Me too- – missed you guys @ Red Cedar this summer jerr

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854


    Say Hi to June for me!

    Me too- – missed you guys @ Red Cedar this summer jerr


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