Pressure tanks

  • chappy
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Does anyone know if you can add pressure to a tank to increase pressure throughout the house. I have a sprinkler going outside and it’s the only water on and it’s only going about 3 feet high.Thanks

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Before going to the pressure tank, does the sprinkler have a screen filter that may be partialy plugged?

    How much water can you run, or how long does it take to drop the pressure before the pump comes on? Check the air valve for leaks. There are a many things to check before adding air to the tank. Sometimes a bad bladder will give low pressure. A bad pressure switch will kick off sooner than you want.

    I’ve added air to mine but ussually end up getting a new tank. The bladder kits just aren’t worth the trouble to me. I’m no plumma so don’t take my woid fo any of dis.

    nyuk nyuk nyuk

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    The pressure in your bladder should be close to your cut off switch pressure. I f you screw this up and add pressure it will cause your pump to short cycle. Adding pressure to the bladder will not increase your water pressure. You have to adjust your pressure switch to increase water pressure but than you also have to reset your on and off pressure. Most homes run a 20/40 pressure switch, you can buy a 30/50 to increase your pressure. As mentioned before, make sure that screens are clear etc.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Thanks Guys!

    Arkansaw Wi
    Posts: 90

    when you check the pressure in your tank make sure your power is off and all your water is drained from the tank. When you check it it should be 2 lbs less than your lower limit.

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