Housebreaking a Puppy

  • skippy783
    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    I’m sure that plenty of you on here can give me some tips I can pass along to the better half on housebreaking a new puppy. Macy is a nine week old beagle/basset hound mix that she just got on Friday. We’ve read lots of different tips on how to housebreak the little girl, but I was wondering if anyone has any tips that worked really well when they were training their pups. We are crate training her, but it seems as though you can read 20 articles written by experts, and get 25 different ways to crate train and what you should and should not do. What one person says works great, the next says to never do.

    If anyone has some tips that worked really well, please let me know. I will try to get pics of the new pup posted after Thanksgiving when I finally get to Illinois for a few days to be with Amanda and Macy.

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