? on searching fishing reports

  • snowster
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 54

    Tring to search for some fishing reports and the lastest information I can search for is Dec. 2006. Any help on what I am doing wrong?

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    You need to change how many months out you want to search. It is right by were you type in your search topic

    Posts: 5130

    Date Range
    Newer than Day(s) Week(s) Month(s) Year(s)
    Older than Day(s) Week(s) Month(s) Year(s)
    When doing a search, you will need to change the parameters to match how far back you want to search

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Guys, I think he might be talking about searching under the Fishing Reports page. It worked for me, here is the link.

    Go under the fishing reports forum. There is a search tool at the top of the page. Click December 2006 and hit search.

    It worked for me but you can’t attach a link using that function.

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