St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital

  • jboecker
    Posts: 88

    Folks- Just thought I’d throw this out there and ask for your help. I’ll be running the Chicago Marathon this year to raise money for St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital in Chicago. The money raised will be used for research and treatment for kids with cancer.

    Feel strange posting this here since I don’t know too many people on IDA but I read your posts every day and realized right away that you’re all a great bunch of people. If this wasn’t such a worthwhile cause I probably wouldn’t do this because I’m not very good at asking for help. This will be my fourth marathon and I haven’t run one in 3 years. Probably wouldn’t be doing this one if I hadn’t found this charity since it’s 18 weeks of training right in the middle of fishing season!! So hopefully that gives you some idea of my commitment to the cause.

    Any contribution will help no matter the amount.

    Thanks for reading this. Please check out my race-site if you’d like to make a contribution.

    Thanks again,

    John Boecker

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