My commute includes 1 light, and if I catch that one, its a 5 minute drive to work. Days like today I enjoy taking the Avalanche to have a little fun….
My commute today was about 60 miles. Honestly it wasn’t bad except for the other people on the road. Of course I punch in once I start the car and am paid for my commute. So I don’t mind settling in and going slow.
My commute was cancelled when I saw the kids had to stay home from school. I’m playing with Lincoln Logs in between posts. Hopefully I can avoid a tea party later.
20min drive to drop off kid at school, 20mins driving back home BC Dad wouldn’t have even thought they would cancel school with such medium snowfall and now curses the system for being such pansies, then 40 min drive through mpls which is always fun cutting off jackwagons with 1 ton van trying to merge at last minute
Pretty slick this morning and 35 mph. on the interstate with the left faster lane almost vacant. The center and right exit lanes were bumper to bumper. People were getting into exit lanes 3 or 4 ramps ahead which here they normally don’t do. Its quit snowing and got about 5″. The snow was coming down pretty heavy at times and the Dot’s trucks 3 wide could barely keep up. Seen just one accident in 5 miles of driving which is alot better then the last snow we got, dozens in the ditches and had a towing ban inplace because it was too dangerous for the tow trucks to pull people out of the ditches.
I thought my normal 22-30 minute commute was going to be a nightmare, so I left early and took the back roads. It took me 35 minutes and I was 45 minutes early. No complaints here. The drive home might be interesting, but I’ll take the scenic route again. I’m hoping my neighbor didn’t plow out my driveway, so I can fire up the snowblower and throw some snow around.
This week it is a 15 minute shuttle ride from the hotel to the New Orleans Convention Center. My wife is not happy having to deal with all the snow at home. I’m making sure we don’t discuss the weather down here…
Mn Dot once again does a horse shirt job on the roads. Saw one plow between Woodbury and Hudson this morning headed East. Don’t think they plowed from the WI border to Eden Praire. This was at 5am.