Small river help…Flambeau

  • cpetey
    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    I’m going to tap into the knowledge pool here. I have the opportunity to float the Flambeau soon. If you’ve experienced this body of water and/or similar rivers, I’d appreciate any information you would like to give. Feel free to PM with anything specific. Have a great holiday weekend.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Its a great body of water… What part??? SteveO fishes it quite a bit from the Pixley Flowage area down to Oxbow… I have fished from the TFF dam down to the takeout near the Midway Bar… Great water for smallies, ‘eyes and ‘skies!!!


    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Yeah mark I have fished both but more experience from Pixley to Oxbo. that stretch from the dam down to Midway would be tough in a canoe. there are some decent rapids thru that stretch. if you are an expert you could probably do it or portage. that stretch from Pixley to Oxbo is prime canoe water. a couple little rapids, just enough to make it interesting.
    the fishing can be outstanding. walleye for me are tougher to find when the water warms up. the smallmouth fishing is excellent. i have great results on tubes and chigger craws. muskie fishing is good too. there are some river monsters in there and becasue they fight current all their lives they are class A fighters.. no fat lake muskie.
    what stretch are you going to do?

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    my ex has a cabin in that stretch and i floated it a half dozen times when we were married. SteveO’s advice can not be beat. The weeds should be low enuf to make it fun now. The smallies will be easy, but make sure you put on at least 6″ of wire to protect against the ‘skis. There is really nothing you can fish that will appeal to all the fish in there, but a Rapala comes the closest.

    Good luck.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    agreed on the Raps..solid lure for just about eveything on the riv. had great success on jointed 7’s in firetiger.

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    We are drifting (drift boat and a canoe) 9 mile to deadmans. My thought was to use plastics this time of year. Craws, minnows, and crawler profiles was on my mind. But, perhaps lipless cranks and jointed raps would be in order. Personally, I’d like to chuck some topwater spooks; bladed and non bladed. Catching fish is a priority, but time on the water with the boys is the main thing. Any thoughts?

    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 209

    I have fished the North fork from Oxbo to Big Bear a bunch of times. My favorite is a beatlle spin in Purple tail with silver blade. But dont forget Rapelas and rattle Traps and Mepps. Flukes would also be a good Idea. Muskies should be on Bucktails.. Good luck and post a report when you get back.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Catch and keep bass opens up on 6/23 in those parts. Thats the stretch I fish all the time. I would throw some crawlers/leeches in and fish the holes. The rest of your lure choices are good ones. I’ve had some monster blow ups on spooks. There are pike in that river too. Not a ton but they are usually huge.

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