FTL Visitor Pic “Ice Pike”

  • Anonymous

    Hi All !! Here is a real nice pike sent into us by Adam McDernott. His story is genuine, we like to have the owners story to go with the pix and this one is truly special.

    I was at lake Kohlmier in Owatonna, Minnesota. About 3:00 we moved to a new spot. I put on a crappie minnow with a little jig with a slip bobber. I have a medium action rod and reel combo with 6-pound line. This kid I knew was coming on the lake to fish with us I was talking to him, turned around and saw that my bobber was suspended an inch or so under. I reeled up slack and set the hook expecting that it might be another perch. My drag went whizzing I reeled in than the fish turned around and charged the other way I thought I had him many times but he wouldn’t give up. My friends gathered around and reached in to the hole and grabbed it and push it away from the hole. The really neat thing is when he was tired I saw him pop up, you could see the nice fish thought the ice. It was almost 6 pounds. I haven’t kept a fish for a long time so I decided to take it home. My friend would have yelled me at if I had thrown it back. But I wanted it. It tasted great beside a couple bones here and there.

    If anyone else has a photo or two they’d like to share with us here at FTL,
    simply send the photo out as a .jpg attachment in an e-mail to
    [email protected] and we’ll gladly get that posted here just as
    quickly as we can.


    Nice fish!! A suprise like that is always welcome. Good job, especially with the light tackle.

    Posts: 21

    Good Job Adam.
    Ha, Did you get that thing off your leg yet?
    Kinda like being on a frame rack….
    Hang in there.


    Nice fish. Keep em coming. Thanks, Bill


    Encore, encore!
    Good job . Nice photo.


    Great report Adam aka GIMPY !! Racer, this guy has more stainless steel on his leg than your race car . Adam can still drive a mean delivery truck though

    Riuchard (Smitty)

    Keep a tight line !!!.


    No i havent got my metal brace of my leg yet. Sugery will be on January 24th then my leg will be fragil for a while but hopfully i can still fish. I got a deer and and that northern with the brace with metal pins and wires going in and all the way through my bone. People say i should take it easy but i got throught it and got rewarded with a deer with a muzzleloader and manages to pull my gear on to the lake with a crutch whtat am i suppose to do when i could be enjoying the outdoors


    You are a trooper! Good man. Take it easy and God speed your recovery. Hoggie

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