Foster Arrends

  • Anonymous

    has anyone been fishing the Foster Arrends pond in Rochester is so how is the fishing. I know it is getting closer to Ice fishing and I am getting excited theres nothing like pullin nice trout out of a pond 2 miles from your house.
    Swany any Info??
    thanks Nate Cadwell


    Not to mention theres walleyes, bass, northerns, crappies, bluegills etc.


    Hey you two… sounds like a good trip swap to Secret Lake for me… How about it?
    Dave Hoggard


    Sounds good. I’ve got a knee replacement to get out of the way first. But theres no ice yet anyway I don’t think. I haven’t been down there for years. But its about time I do. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Bill


    Was out on Foster Arrends today and a little last week. the fishing has been great. last week I got down for an hour after work and caught 6 Rainbow Trout in an hour with today being just a little slower went down for a few hours and caught 3 Rainbows and one Brook trout almost all of my Fish have been coming out of Weed Pockets in about 8-12ft with a plain Tear Drop tipped with a minnow 3ft below I would Reccomend going to the old pond and getting into some of this action. the Ice is a good 6.5inches thick right now and getting stronger
    Have Fun and be Safe.
    Nate Cadwell


    Are those trout active during the day? Or is it a nite bite situation? Everything seems to bite during the day on the lakes I’ve been on in the last couple days. Do you need boots out there? My feet get kinda cold!! Ha Ha.


    went out and fished foster arends today. nice day but a little windy.

    i heard through the grape vine that they had stocked it last saturday so i expected at least some action. WRONG!!!! sat there from 12:00 until the sun went down. not a single trout to be seen. i didn’t see anyone catch one all day. there were quit a few people out too.

    the crappies did keep me at least interested though. from about 2:00 on they cam e out in force. all very small, way to small to keep (hint, hint to the guy in the packer jacket and red hat).

    the ice was about 5-8″ all over so there should be know problems with that. i hope they stock it again soon. maybe i’ll hit it right next time.


    Check with Mike at Hooked On Fishing and see if he has heard when the DNR will be stocking it. You can also call the DNR and ask them too. Good Luck and catch a few for me. Bill

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