Tetonka Fishing Tip for Night Fishing.

  • Anonymous

    I picked up this tip for fishing Tetonka from some fishermen over in the area. If you are looking for some bigger walleyes try fishing by the beach, which would be the east end of the lake, and cast black/silver and also blue/silver raps toward shore when it gets dark. Stay out aways from shore so you don’t spook the eyes as they will be as shallow as in 1 to 3 ft. of water. Please practice catch and release on the bigger eyes. Thanks, Bill


    Right Bill, this is a great spot for casting minnow baits at night. I have some tips too…
    I wade in about up to my pants pockets, insulated waders and a head-lamp are a must. A good net is much help… the kind that has a strap to hook to you so you can drag it. I have thrown silver/black Rapala Minnows in #9 and #11, and in blue/silver on moon-lit nights…. and small jigs (that have big hooks I like glow-in-the-dark) tipped with a three inch white Mr.Twister grub/tail, and also a beetle-spin with the same jig/grub is good. You want vibration and flash. Swim these baits slowly and steady. If you are not good at working your spinning rig in the dark, I suggest a Zebco 33 Clasic Reel… takes the guess-work out of night casting, has a good enough drag to handle eight pounders, and is not expensive. Spool it up with 10 lb. Trilene XL.
    Straight out from the beach is good, but you may over cast the fish. Cast at angles to the depth working the two and four foot ranges… this keeps you in the zone longer. You can do this if there is no competition for casting space.
    Do not forget to ask if you can join other anglers who arrive there first… common courtsey. If they get huffy… aks them how long the plan on staying… then move on down a bit… and slip into their spot as they leave.
    I have some new Salmo shallow diving Minnow Baits I can not wait to try out doing this! Now is the time… it only gets better…..till ice up.


    Thanks for the tips. Let us know how those new lures work. Thanks, Bill

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