Jefferson/German Bass

  • Anonymous

    I made back home for the holiday weekend and fished East/Middle Jefferson and German. Saturday morning began throwing a buzzbait and caught two largemouth each 14″ then it was like the switch was turned off at 7:00 am. I tried just about everything in all types of depths and cover and went 3+ hours without a bite. I finally texas rigged an Ugly Monkey (pumpkin) and caught a 18″ on my first pitch to some emergent weeds/reeds. I went about 10 feet and caught another, then proceeded to put six more fish between 15-18 in the boat in less than 1 hour. I don’t know if it was purely timing or finding the right cover/depth/bottom that was holding fish.

    Sunday morning started on East Jefferson alternating between a buzzbait and a Pop-R. Caught one fish right away then nothing for about an hour. I idled around until I found some emergent veggies with clean/sandy bottom and pitched the Ugly Monkey. I started catching fish, although most were 11-14″. All in all it was a great weekend to be on the water and finally stumbling onto a fish catching pattern Saturday was great and being able to somewhat duplicate it on Sunday was even better.


    Thanks for the good report!
    I have been wondering how it was going there. Hawger


    Years ago there was a hump out from the rental cabins on east Jefferson that walleyes could be caught off of by casting a white spinnerbait. The habitat is bass habitat but if thats what the fish have for structure then they relate too it. What is an ugly monkey and where do you get them? Thanks, Bill


    Bill the Ugly Monkey is a ribbed-tube bait with flapps and claws… It has a lot of bulk and a slow fall. It is sold through Rubber Monkey Tackle (Minneapolis area), their web site should be up in a few weeks. Email and I can give you a phone # for contact

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