Southwest Minnesota Lakes – Wood Lake (Lyon Cty)

  • Anonymous

    I have recently moved to Marshall and was really unsure about all of these shallow priaire/glacial lakes being productive. As it turns out, there are several excellent lakes here and very little pressure. Wood is a tiny little lake, (367 acres) and a maximum depth of 15 feet. This lake has produced Walleyes cosistently for me and my 4 year old son. Concentrate on the western shoreline on the 11 foot break line slow trolling gold crawler spinners with 5 red beads with a 1/2 oz lindy weight. We have been moving at about 1/2 to 1 mph. When fishing with a 4 year old, action is the key and this little lake has produced over and over for us during this past week. As an added bonus, we have been all alone..literally!

    If you are having success on SW lakes, please post the information.

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