Report for 7/28 7/29/11

  • jasonlem
    New Prague
    Posts: 168

    I was up this last thursday and friday. I got on the water at 3pm thursday I wanted to be out there sooner but the heat at work put me out longer then I wanted. I’m still having cramps oh well. I went out of the wealthwood access being I haven’t been that far north yet this year. I started fishing pulling plugs after LC (salmo #4 my go to). I had 4 hits but none in the boat. I then started looking for that big school and found it so I did some jigging which is a lost art up there, and rigging and a hit of something big but lost it. I had one perch in the boat and wanted to move so on my way I pulled my goto on the break of a flat 27fow and that was the key 15 fish in the boat in under an hour and had my box fish. I had an early night and got to drink a few beers. There always is a first for everything. friday we had a little storm in the morning and so I waited. I went out about 10 am I started in pulling plugs on the same flat and again only had hits but none in the boat. I tried a few other flat breaks and did maybe 10 fish and left at 3pm with only to box fish. I was hoping to be out of there at 12 to 1 but I let the dogs tell me when to leave. Hitting the grind in the morning I’ll be back up there next weekend!! I wish I had another Idoer with me to get a few pictures with people in them!!

    Fridley, Mn
    Posts: 195

    Looks like another good outing. Anytime you can put double digits in the boat is a good day in my book. Nice that the slot opened also, so it’s easier to keep a few.

    New Prague
    Posts: 168

    Other then the ones over 20 I only had 1 fish that was over 18 box fish. all 15 to 17.or over 22

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