Palo walleyes

  • Anonymous

    Well, it’s after May 20th, and I didn’t make it down to MacBride like I wanted to… Pretty hard to explore the lake now, since I’d be stuck using only the electric motor.

    I’ve set a goal for this year to figure out the ‘eyes on Palo lake, though. I’ve never caught a walleye from that lake, but have heard a lot of talk; time to find out if it’s real, I guess.

    Iowa Game and Fish had an article that said fish the face of the dam, where they’ll suspend beneath schools of baitfish. Everyone I’ve talked to who fishes there has said to head up into the West arm of the lake and troll spinner rigs.

    Anybody know which method is more likely to put fish in the boat?


    Well, spent better than 1/2 the day out there yesterday. The lack of success was astounding. We ended up keeping a few ‘gills, but that was only because they were hooked so deep they wouldn’t have made it.

    The bass were up shallow, and the water clarity was such that you could see them pretty well. They were not very aggressive for the most part. Lots of boats and people hanging in the creek on the North arm, but there didn’t seem to be much catching going on. We could see tons of little crappies and ‘gills up in the brush, but nothing worth pursuit.

    Do ya suppose that anything of marginal size just gets taken out? It gets fished pretty hard, I know, but I’m still always surprised with the lack of fish there.


    Well I WAS headed there on tues to fish bass, but I’ve been discouraged. Sounds like I better head for Volga, hear their getting 3-4lb buckets on spinner baits and cranks. Did you see any of those muskies?? I’ve seen one in the 15 years I’ved fished there.


    No muskies. All the fish we could see in the shallows were bass and small (3-4 inch) pans. Most of the bass were on the small size also, with the largest ones being maybe 15″.

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