Follow Up w/ St. Croix Re: REC Guides

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924


    I sent an email out to St. Croix following the discussion we had last week regarding the REC “Recoil” guides being used on some of the high end rods like the Legend Extreme. One of the things I like about St. Croix is that they’ll take the time to respond to questions. And this time was no different.

    I won’t post the entire response but here’s the stuff that counts…

    “We have used these guides for 4 years. I have not seen 1 guide with any grooving or wear from braid.”

    Zero warranty claims on grooved REC guides in 4 years. NADA.

    He goes on to state that if anyone has a grooved St. Croix guide… he wants to see it. Beyond a few second hand rumor type statements of “I heard from this guy that bought one and his guides grooved from using braid” they’re not seeing anything of the kind in the warranty repair department or have heard about it from actual St. Croix owners at the customer service call desk.

    If you have a grooved set oif guides… bring it to a sports show or contact St. Croix directly. In their durability tests that have been ongoing for years they have been unable to damage the titanium guides with braided line. Period. In fact, after heavy use the titanium guides “polish” and get smoother… leading to longer casts and even better performance. But certainly NOT grooves.

    So, that’s the scoop on that. The grooved Recoil guides claims don’t hold water.

    Posts: 52

    Thanks for the Info.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    James thanks for the follow up on the REC guides…..

    I have decided to use them on my new rods , I just need a little money $$$$ in my play fund b4 I can purchase them.

    If you remember I stated “these will be the LAST rods I will build for myself”.
    I dont want what the Joneses & Smiths have I want a product that will serve me well and last for years to come.

    I could also just buy 2 EX rods but I dont care for the handle ,what fits one taste doesnt always fit anothers taste.

    I really appreciate the follow up you did .

    Thanks Jeff

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924

    No problem. I was as interested in their response as you. They’re not inexpensive rods by any means and I wouldn’t be happy with them at all if there was any issues with the guides.

    Glenn Marshall
    Posts: 51

    I have REC Recoils on my GLX’s they’re are the best guide you can buy….I believe they are a Titanium/Nickle Alloy, not plated. they are expensive. Jerry E. that builds all my rods for me in Rochester has a similar guide that are Stainless/Titaniun Coated. very nice too, although much more rigid but a lot less expensive. i would recommend them to anyone.



    I sent an email out to St. Croix following the discussion we had last week regarding the REC “Recoil” guides being used on some of the high end rods like the Legend Extreme. One of the things I like about St. Croix is that they’ll take the time to respond to questions. And this time was no different.

    I won’t post the entire response but here’s the stuff that counts…

    “We have used these guides for 4 years. I have not seen 1 guide with any grooving or wear from braid.”

    Zero warranty claims on grooved REC guides in 4 years. NADA.

    He goes on to state that if anyone has a grooved St. Croix guide… he wants to see it. Beyond a few second hand rumor type statements of “I heard from this guy that bought one and his guides grooved from using braid” they’re not seeing anything of the kind in the warranty repair department or have heard about it from actual St. Croix owners at the customer service call desk.

    If you have a grooved set oif guides… bring it to a sports show or contact St. Croix directly. In their durability tests that have been ongoing for years they have been unable to damage the titanium guides with braided line. Period. In fact, after heavy use the titanium guides “polish” and get smoother… leading to longer casts and even better performance. But certainly NOT grooves.

    So, that’s the scoop on that. The grooved Recoil guides claims don’t hold water.

    Dodgeville, WI
    Posts: 73

    I believe that they had a problem with ceramic and recoils using braids years ago, but not in the last few years. The braids used in the early years were porous and would collect debris; the debris was abrasive and would cause the grooving in the guides. From what I understand the braids have been reformulated so it will not collect debris and the grooving problems have been corrected. St. Croix is a fantastic company and I’m sure Jason has tested and re-tested to make sure that it won’t fail. The recoils are light, but the next thing in custom rod building is the micro guide (5mm down to 1.5mm). They are very small guides about 1/2 to 1/4 the size of the standard rings. I have built 3 with micros that will out cast any thing currently offered by the factories plus you remove a lot of weight from the tip of the rod (great on a jigging rod). The biggest down fall with the micros is passing knots and icing, if you have a chance take a look at one.

    BTW here’s a photo the the micros with a size 8 photo 1

    A batch of 15 on a dime photo 2

    sw Mn.
    Posts: 418

    I will add my name to the list of being an owner of SEVERAL St Croix extreme rods with rec guides.. Not a single issue here I use nothing but braid, AND very satisfied. they might be wire but i believe its stainless steel wire. that is by nature pretty tuff stuff.
    I love my St Croix rods. And the only complaint i have with some of them and it’s personal opinion. is I don’t care for the shrink wrap handle the extremes had. but I think they discontinued them…. Give me Cork!!! I think it was an effort to cut cost as cork prices were rising.

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