On-board-charger advice please

  • Labvolt
    Posts: 30

    I have an 8 year-old 3-bank on-board charger. One of the charging “banks” has (apparently) gone bad:

    -no LED lights indicate it is charging
    -no current detected when the leads are hooked up to a current tester light, or an ammeter
    -no current detected when I attempted to use the current tester light (device shaped like a screwdriver with a sharp tip) pressed through the wires of the lead off the charger (the other lead of the current-tester-light was connected to the charger’s opposite lead)

    Anyway, the other two banks work fine. The LED’s work and they put a nice charge on the other two batteries.

    So, does this mean the entire charger is going “downhill” and the other two banks will soon fail?

    Or, will the two functional banks probably continue to work for a long time and I can continue to use them?

    I had a two-bank charger on my old boat for 10 years and it never seemed to fail…what is the “usual” life of an on-board charger?

    Insight appreciated.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    One bank of three charging banks went out this does not mean that your other two banks are on their way out. It does not mean that they will last either.

    I think that after 8 years of service you got your money’s worth. I would run it as a dual bank charger until one of those goes then go buy another three bank charger.

    Another option is to contact the manufacture and see about a rebuild, much cheaper than getting a new charger.


    Posts: 31

    I had the same problem 2 yrs, ago. I called the manufac. about repairing the unit. I was told they don’t repair them, but they gave me $$ for my old charger that went toward the cost of a new unit. May be worth a try.

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