miss one

  • backstraps1
    Posts: 49

    Lets start out by saying my season hasnt been the best with hunters sitting on my lap in state land, or just being in the wrong tree at the wrong time,so going into this hunt i had high hopes…My brother called and asked if i wanted to go to a farm he killed his 140inch nine and his wife killed a 140inch 12 last year. So i was pumped up baby!!! So i drove from byron about 45 drive to the land my brother hunts, so I made it out for a evening hunt..I went to one of his bio-logic maxium plots, hoping a mature buck would show up.. My brother has sat in this spot a couple of times this year and has only seen one small doe. So I was hoping i would have some luck and get one to walk out…I climbed into the stand at 3:15. Got hooked up to the tree and then i heard this awful creek under my feet, of course with the rain and snow my stand had froze and the chain was making noise, so i put my weight back and forth and finally it was quiet. so i after that i happened to look up in the brush and there is a deer standing about eighty yards looking right at me, so im like great he heard and seen me so he wont be coming out. So i sat there thinking im not going to see another deer all night, and then it happened at 4:15 i look across the hay field and there is a doe feeding and then all of a sudden two deer come out of the timber. I could see that they were both bucks and now there headed straight to my stand… the doe comes right under the tree and both bucks not far behind her in the brush.. I see there both eight points and one was more mature then the other so i set my eyes on him. he steps out of the brush at what i thought was twenty yards,forgot my range finder stop him and let it fly, clean miss right under his heart,he must of been 30yards.. so he took three bounds grab another arrow and got it half way in the old hoyt, and the doe bust me snorts and there gone… i climb down go check my arrow just to make sure because that arrow was so close to his vitals, nothing but dirt on the rage what a bummer..Lesson to self dont forget your range finder because you never know…So im going to stay at it boys, have a couple weeks left, i need to get on the board for team 4…Good luck boys stay after them….

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