Stand for this weekend?

  • mitch_otto
    Posts: 176

    Ok so I have two stands that I haven’t sat in yet! Stand A is in the woods near a pinch point between two die bedding areas where bucks like to cruise! Problem is it can’t be accessed without walking through a field! Stand B is in the middle if three valleys with really thick cover nearby! Problem with this stand us either walking through a bug part of the woods or going through little field and some thick cover! I plan in sitti ng all day so wondering what you all would do? Stand B is right by a hit list bucks home! Do I go in really early or wait for sun to come up and then head in? Been thinkin bout this for weeks! Please help! Thanks

    Posts: 309

    JUst my two cents, I would go into b early hour or a bit more early. I do that alot my dad wont ever do that but I have no problem sitting in the dark for how ever long I feel I need to if theirs a big boy on the line.

    Eagle Point Wisconsin
    Posts: 948

    Go in early, with a plan to stay all day if possible. That big one could come through at any time once the chasing begins. And of course, be safe in the dark!

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    I would rather trip and stumble through a field in the dark any day over making a racket trying to bust through the cover. It is always an option to go in an hour or two after daybreak as well when the deer have most likely gone back in the cover. Both locations seem great, pick the one with a more favorable wind and post some pics of your hands around a giant

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Not knowing these areas you speak of, I would also suggest going in early through the open field before I would walk through a large portion of a property I was about to hunt.

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