hunting on the River

  • woolybugger1
    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Here is a legal question. Can a person cary a rifel and a shotgun. The reason is that I would like to shoot my deer as I am sitting on my duck blind. I know that I could use my shotgun but am not even sure if it is ok to carry a few slugs while hunting ducks. I have not done a lot of research on this yet. Just thought I might get the easy answer here.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    You cannot carry lead shells of any kind while duck hunting. This is intended to keep people from shooting ducks with cheaper lead shot and sticking steel in their gun when a DNR officer shows up.
    I don’t think most officers would ticket you for carrying another gun but I would assume that they could. They could also ticket you for having an unplugged gun while duck hunting if your rifle holds more than three shells.
    That is kind of a gray area.

    Gator Hunter

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    You cannot carry lead shells of any kind while duck hunting. This is intended to keep people from shooting ducks with cheaper lead shot and sticking steel in their gun when a DNR officer shows up.
    I don’t think most officers would ticket you for carrying another gun but I would assume that they could. They could also ticket you for having an unplugged gun while duck hunting if your rifle holds more than three shells.
    That is kind of a gray area.

    Gator Hunter

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I could be WAY off base on this so feel free to correct me but isn’t illegal to carry more than one weapon? It seems to me that I can’t carry a .22 and my .308, even if on my own property, in which some seasons never close. Kinda like some cross-over clause that isn’t allowed……………..I’m unsure. I DO know that I can’t carry a bow and a gun at the same time. That’s a ticket waiting happen. But the multiple gun issue………….I’m just not sure. Sure is a good question though!

    Ooops! Just had a thought. Is it legal to duck hunt AND deer hunt simultaneously? In WI the seasons don’t overlap. Gun deer is gun deer. Everything else on public (maybe private too……….foggy…….) land is closed.

    The question we SHOULD be asking is if we can carry a rifle and a fishing pole…………bucktails or “buck tails”…..take your pick!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I could be WAY off base on this so feel free to correct me but isn’t illegal to carry more than one weapon? It seems to me that I can’t carry a .22 and my .308, even if on my own property, in which some seasons never close. Kinda like some cross-over clause that isn’t allowed……………..I’m unsure. I DO know that I can’t carry a bow and a gun at the same time. That’s a ticket waiting happen. But the multiple gun issue………….I’m just not sure. Sure is a good question though!

    Ooops! Just had a thought. Is it legal to duck hunt AND deer hunt simultaneously? In WI the seasons don’t overlap. Gun deer is gun deer. Everything else on public (maybe private too……….foggy…….) land is closed.

    The question we SHOULD be asking is if we can carry a rifle and a fishing pole…………bucktails or “buck tails”…..take your pick!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    The seasons sure do overlap here. Duck goes into December here, right through the deer season.

    I know a couple of guys that go out, hunt ducks in the mroning, then throw on the orange and hunt deer. They carry two separate guns along.

    now, you can’t shoot a deer from your duck blind unless you are meeting the orange requirement at the time, and while I’ve never tried duck hunting in blaze orange, it doesn’t seem like it would work too well. Plus, I think Gator is right that even slugs would constitute carrying lead while duck hunting.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    The seasons sure do overlap here. Duck goes into December here, right through the deer season.

    I know a couple of guys that go out, hunt ducks in the mroning, then throw on the orange and hunt deer. They carry two separate guns along.

    now, you can’t shoot a deer from your duck blind unless you are meeting the orange requirement at the time, and while I’ve never tried duck hunting in blaze orange, it doesn’t seem like it would work too well. Plus, I think Gator is right that even slugs would constitute carrying lead while duck hunting.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I’m pretty sure it is legal to carry more than 1 shotgun even duck hunting. You must have a plug in each one though. I once knew a guy who had a 12 gauge for ducks and a 10 gauge for geese. He always had both in his blind. Too much work for me.
    Kid, Moss Boss is right, deer and ducks overlap in many states. In Wisconsin fall turkey overlaps with duck season too. So many species, so little time.

    Gator Hunter

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I’m pretty sure it is legal to carry more than 1 shotgun even duck hunting. You must have a plug in each one though. I once knew a guy who had a 12 gauge for ducks and a 10 gauge for geese. He always had both in his blind. Too much work for me.
    Kid, Moss Boss is right, deer and ducks overlap in many states. In Wisconsin fall turkey overlaps with duck season too. So many species, so little time.

    Gator Hunter

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    On that “other” web site in WI they have a thread titled Ask the Warden. The warden answers peoples questions on line and is very helpful. Any chance we could convince a MN warden to do a similar thing? Figure enough of you have contacts with maybe the right person to get this started. Just a thought as we all have hunting and fishing concerns that get confused answers from each other.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    On that “other” web site in WI they have a thread titled Ask the Warden. The warden answers peoples questions on line and is very helpful. Any chance we could convince a MN warden to do a similar thing? Figure enough of you have contacts with maybe the right person to get this started. Just a thought as we all have hunting and fishing concerns that get confused answers from each other.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Thanks for keeping me informed guys! I knew of “other” seasons overlapping but the one I didn’t think did was Gun Deer. There’s that 24hr. undistrubed thing before the opener and I thought that closed down everything. Anyway, thanks again guys!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Thanks for keeping me informed guys! I knew of “other” seasons overlapping but the one I didn’t think did was Gun Deer. There’s that 24hr. undistrubed thing before the opener and I thought that closed down everything. Anyway, thanks again guys!

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