My nephew and I went out this morning. Jake (arrowflinger here)took his bow in hand and me with my camera. Here are some shots from this morning’s hunt.
We had a half rack buck come into Jake’s calling. This buck actually walked up the the hill we were sitting on and proceed to walk right up 10 yards of me. He was so close I couldn’t get the whole deer in the shot with my 400mm. This buck could hear my camera clicking but could not figured what was up. He then noticed my nephew to his left and stared at him until both my nephew and the buck notice there now was a doe just 20 yards below us. This buck then came down and put the chase to the doe. My nephew was trying to shoot the doe but the buck saved her butt this morning. Last picture is of the doe as it trigger my Cuddeback before the back chased away. We thought this was pretty cool deal.