Ham Room Tourney info please!!!!

  • slammin eyes
    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 55

    I was invited last year to participate in the Ham Room room Tourney for this year. Any detail would be appreciated!!!!!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397

    It’s Saturday, 7am, Hudson.

    St. Croix River
    Posts: 940

    …register between 6-7AM at the Lakefront launch.

    Tournament is from 7-4

    $50/boat and $10/person(optional) big fish pot.

    6 walleye or sauger, total weight.

    Limited to the St. Croix river

    Pays the top 4 places.

    There will probably be about 25-30 boats this year.


    I talked to someone earlier today, and they mentioned this is an invite only tournament???Is that true???

    I would love to get in, but I just need to know what all is needed to do that.

    Thank in advance!

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    Congrats to the winners!!!
    Team Klund/Johnson did it again, they had a very nice bag with over 18 pounds including a hog seven pounder!
    My team took 5th, out of the money and had “the table set” with a limit in the boat at 9:45am and needed that winning kicker, and never got it. I think the winners had it wrapped up by 9:30am

    I know both cranks and livebait caught fish yesterday.
    Keep Catchin’

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