Crane lake

  • christoper eide
    Posts: 24

    Heading up to Crane the 5th-8th. Anybody ice fish this lake before? Going in blind. Staying at Bearskin lodge? Will obi. ask there, any info would be great. Thanx!

    Posts: 3

    Hey Christoper,
    I’ll be heading up there the week after you. I’ve also never been. How did it go? What parts of the lake did you fish? Did you move around with snowmobile or what? Did you have success? Did it sound like fishing was going well or poorly for most people?

    Are there any areas of the lake that should be avoided because current doesn’t let ice get thick enough? I especially ask because I’ll be going with a wheeled ice castle sleeper house pulled by a truck. Definitely want to be safe so happy to avoid bad spots.

    Attached is a screenshot of the lake map for Crane with some spots circled that I’m thinking about. Any info you can provide would be great!

    As you’ve noticed from nobody responding to your post, there doesn’t seem to be as much public interest in Crane Lake as say a Red Lake or LOTW. Hope that means more unpressured fish for us!


    1. Crane-Lake-Spots-to-Try.png

    christoper eide
    Posts: 24

    Hey Ryan, thanx for the post. Unfortunately, trip had to be canceled due to family thing. All’s well though. Looks like You scoped some areas out, I wish You well! I”ll be heading up north of Brainerd this coming wknd, hopefully drivable, no snowmobile. Anyway, have a great time man, let us all know how You did!

    Thanx, Christopher

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