Chequamegon Bay fishing report

  • David G
    Posts: 47

    Went to the bay for the first time last week. Put in behind Anglers All. Very calm day. Threw just about everything we had at them. Fished both sides of the breakwater, around the the old pier footings to the south. From shallow to deep. One Northern to show for it. Any suggestions?

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    I can’t help ya, were you fishing smallies?

    David G
    Posts: 47

    Yes. Fishing for Smallies. I see, hear, and read about 18″ averages. I’m now retired, and only 1 1/2 hrs from there.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2692

    Lindy rig chubs on the breaks.

    David G
    Posts: 47

    On the “breaks” ? Depth breaks? if so, what depth? or break walls as we called them out east.

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