Canadian side of Rainy Lake

  • JAnderson
    Posts: 277

    Any good recommendations for camping on the Canadian side of rainy lake? Would like to have access to power to recharge. Only will be targeting walleye if that helps.

    Best areas to go? Any other advice?

    Thanks all

    Posts: 776

    Well thats not very good but if you zoom in and go over to the right it’s on the point.right off the river and the bay.
    Stan wave

    Posts: 1

    We go to Cascades Camp and we always have ha d great luck for walleye (651-439-5430 winter number) (summer number 807-274-9030)

    Posts: 178

    I would agree with Labelle’s.I spend most of the summer fishing the North arm,Labelle’s is close the good fishing and Dale knows the lake really well.

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