Budget Gas Auger

  • Zack Busse
    Posts: 34

    Hey All,
    In the past week I have broken my 22 year old 33cc Eskimo auger (loved it), and just last night I burned out a 18v Makita drill on a Clam plate. The drill will be replaced with a brushless.. However, I am still in the market for an auger. Now, before everyone starts saying “go electric,” I will say this.. I drill a lot of holes. 100-200 hole days/weekends. I can’t always keep batteries warm/charged.
    So, I’d like opinions on an affordable and somewhat light auger. 2 that come to mind right now are an Eskimo Stingray 33cc w/ 8″ bit. As you know, Eskimo now has a 5 year warranty, which is very appealing. <$280> plus tax. 28lbs.
    The other auger I’m considering is a Strikemaster Chipper Lite 1.5hp Solo. Now, I haven’t seen many review for it, but Fleet Farm is advertising it for around $280 as well. 24lbs
    I’ve used my buddy’s StrikeLite in the past and really liked it, but that was a 4 stroke.
    Should I buy new or used? There are a few in good shape on Craigslist as well..
    I really would like to keep the spending around $300 or less.

    Garrison, IA
    Posts: 146

    If you are patient you might get a really good deal close to the end of ice season. I bought a eskimo mako on cyber Monday this year off amazon for $245 shipped. Have been really pleased with it.

    Posts: 109

    I have a great Striekmaster 8″ laser I will give you deal on. Freshly tuned up at D rock. 49CC Tecumseh. I have 3 augers and could get rid of one.

    Zack Busse
    Posts: 34

    Well, I broke down and bought a new Eskimo Mako 43cc. 32 lbs, cuts like butter. Got 10% off at Fleet Farm. Started on the 2nd pull right out of the box.

    Posts: 384

    Last year I bought an Eskimo stingray on clearance however I want to upgrade to the shark z71

    Posts: 2218

    The other auger I’m considering is a Strikemaster Chipper Lite 1.5hp Solo. Now, I haven’t seen many review for it, but Fleet Farm is advertising it for around $280 as well. 24lbs

    I went on the website and cannot find it for that price?

    Posts: 2596

    Well, I broke down and bought a new Eskimo Mako 43cc. 32 lbs, cuts like butter. Got 10% off at Fleet Farm. Started on the 2nd pull right out of the box.

    And that was without even putting any gas in it!!! LOL.

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