lake-link culling debate

  • dhnitro
    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Not sure if many of you guys use another web-site called lake-link. Whether you do or don’t, there is a discussion forum on there that is about the culling bill. I’m sure most of you are aware of this bill and how is could greatly affect your part of Wisconsin. For the good that is. And for Wisconsin on the whole.
    Personally I’m for the cull bill. Some of you may not. But was wondering if some of you would go to that web site and look thru some of the debates on this. And maybe add your 2 cents.. Or better yet let us know on the site what you think of it. I had heard from another guy that was at the Madison hearing that someone from down in Prairie du Chein spoke out against it. And I was wondering why that would be? I guess from the other web site it really frustrates me that many who are opposed to this really don’t understand why this change would be better. What am I missing? Would like to hear from you guys (girls) from the River area and your opinions…Thanks.

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