Pain and agony for someone nearing 50

  • brovarney
    Posts: 662


    I ask my partner saturday in the TBF Bass Federation tournement what bass club he is from.

    Madison Bass he replies which is sort of cool since I was a member of that club when I lived in Madison.

    So I told I thought it was sort of neat and that I was his clubs Mr. Bass in 1987……………

    With out missing a beat he told me that was the year he graduated High School

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003


    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    and hear I thought maybe Heather Locklear was moving in next door.

    I feel for you Bro, there are many here who shall remain nameless, that were born the year I graduated from high school


    Posts: 354

    Isn’t it fun being reminded that you’re a RELIC! I get it all the time at work, like when I meet someone whose father or grandfather I worked with years ago!

    Posts: 72

    Getting out of the truck after a two hour trip to the water is enough to remind me I’m a relic.

    What disturbs me more is the article in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press that reports on a study that found that even being slightly over weight and in your fifties is not good for your longevity.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    It was probably better that he said when he graduated than when he was born!!!

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Just read your post. Laughing my arse off. All I can say was that I didn’t even have a drivers liscense in 87.
    Just showing ya some love…

    Wind Lake, WI
    Posts: 215

    I was two years old

    Posts: 354

    My twins/babies were born in ’87! They are the youngest of my 5 kids.

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