Spring Bass fishing presentations

    Posts: 7

    What are some of you favorite spring presentations for bass on the river.

    Posts: 272

    for smallies, i am big with twisters, other plastics, hair jigs, zara spooks, and mr. wiggly’s.

    Posts: 108

    Once the fish start feeding aggressively, I love Pop-Rs and buzzbaits. I don’t have tons of experience in early spring but did have a bass or two in the past on suspending jerkbaits. If I can get out there yet before spawning movements, I’d be fishing a light jig…now I just have to figure out the location part! I do have a few places I’d like to experiment with…I’m thinking reduced current, access to deep water, and rocks to collect heat.

    shore shinner
    Eau Claire Wi.
    Posts: 116

    mine is the mr willys or The Worm soft plastics. they bring in most of the fish.But if any thing else I’d go to a scum frog popper for the late spawn.

    Posts: 272

    Once the water starts to warm up more and it gets around the end of april early may, there are quite a few spots i know of that i could go and catch quite a few smallies at on almost anything you put in front of them. You usually catch at least one fish that surpasses the 18 inch mark. these fish are fun to catch. One after the other they hit, but you can only catch so many until you should be walleye fishing.

    NW Wisconsin
    Posts: 107

    my go to in the spring is tube jigs, 4″ power tube seems to do the trick although if you find them prespawn stacked up it seems they will pound just about anything, thats when i start to think about hooking percentage, jigs it seems are the best for that.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I have mad a conscious choice to limit my exposure to the board for a while.

    In doing so I thought I’d just check in. “Switching to walleyes” when you are catching them one after another…. That is blasphemy I say!

    I can only pray for days like that.

    Ok, Back into hiding.


    Posts: 272

    well, MY love is where that walleye is at the end of your line and not a smally, so i think they are a fun fish to catch, but when i should casting in the walleye holes I am there no matter what smallie is hittin.

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    I fished Fri Sat &Sun this weekend on pool 8 and caught all my Bass on tube jig.This is fast becoming my fav spring bait

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146


    This weekend, about 20 smallies, and 5 green bass were fooled with suspending jerkbaits, and jig’n’grub
    combinations. We tried tubes, Senkos, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and hair jigs, but suspending jerkbaits, and
    plastic grubs, and jigs were the consistant producers.

    Big Bass Bane

    Eau Claire, WI.
    Posts: 31

    Were you catching those bass in the mississippi? Or on Wissota? I was at wissota on tuesday. Water Temp in the Yellow river was about 50 degrees. No smallies up shallow yet. But it won’t be long now.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146


    Those fish were on Pool 4. Sorry about not getting back
    with an answer sooner. As for fishing Wissota, the season
    is closed, even for catch and release. Unless of course,
    one were to catch a game fish will panfishing. I hear
    crappies are starting to stage, and I have a heck of a
    time keeping smallies off those crappie sized beetlespins.

    Big Bass Bane

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