Prairie Pool

  • dhnitro
    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Looking for infomation on the Priarie Pool. Heard lots of bass being caught. True or False? Also are the arrowheads starting to come up? And last question is what is the normal pool height for the pool. Not sure how to read the posting for water height. Thanks…..

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Normal summer pool is between 5 and 6 feet. Right now its 12. Yep there are bass there. Get yourself a good map and you will be in business. Places to start….
    Methodist, Sny McGill, Garnt etc. I would say Japan but navigation can get tricky if you are new to river fishing.
    If you prowel a little you will find your way.

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    I was out last weekend, with the rapid rise the fish seemed scattered. there were quite a bit of scattered pads and arrowheads, but often not real dense. I kept spooking fish out of underneath them, but i think they were bluegill. Caught 13 bass in 2 days, only 2 keepers.

    One tip- when the water is up the clear water seems to work best, and the lm seem to get out of the current. Ditto on Japan slough, also mcdonald and harpers seem to be good- all these are north of prarie and can be tricky navigating, but with the water up exploring is a little easier because most sloughs have at least 5-6 feet of water or more right now.

    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Thanks guys for the info. I’m going down this weekend for a day of pre-fishing for the upcoming BFL. I have fished on the waters before but still don’t quite understand how to read water levels. Has anyone beening fishing smallies on rocks or wing dams? How is the top water bite? Thanks, again…

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    Look at the stage- it will tell you rising or falling water, flow tells how fast, but basically you get the same info.
    Try rocks in or near current for smallies, backwaters for lm or out into the slough if the water is falling. try the corps web site for stage (and flow) archieves- try this site..

    for the projections so you have an idea what to expect.

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