Barrel Lake Map

  • Joe Zalewski
    Posts: 9

    I am going to be staying on the English River that flow to the Barrel lake. I would like to know if anyone can point me to a good map of the English River and Barrel lake. I have Navionics+ on my finder but it doesn’t have the contour of the lake or river. thanksfor any response

    Posts: 406

    The map that I have I got from Verns minnows in Ignance you should be pick up one there on your way up. looked at the map and there does not seem to be any info on how to order over the web.

    Posts: 406

    try canadamapsales dot com they seem to have it if you want to order it online. Nice lake but if you have a east or west wind it can get nasty.

    Joe Zalewski
    Posts: 9

    I got ahold of map sales and will be getting a Barrel lk map. They didn’t have a English river map. Does anyone know where I can get one of the river that leads into barrel lake?

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