2023/2024 NHL/WILD Offseason-Season-Postseason Thread

  • wormdunker
    Posts: 548

    I could talk about d play and Brock forever. I’ve trained d and have taught some pretty high level guys. I have always said good coaches, if they are smart, put the smartest kids on the team at D, I did, brocks coach did in Bantams. There aren’t many like Brock. His skill level is elite as we can see. What you cant see is what is going on inside his head, his real strength. There are a lot of guys that have his sense but not ability. We was a forward for a great deal of his life. He was a great forward. But because he is so responsible to the team he always reverted to d zone coverage for the teams sake. The skill has always been there to do what he is doing and beyond. His intelligence and sense of responsibility/TEAM is what has stifled his offensive game thus far. He has been forced to carry d duties for he and his partners, basically he covers for his partners lack of knowledge/responsibility. Leading up to college, kids are constantly trying to make a name for themselves for recruiting purposes, most think the only way to do so is to stack up points. So often Brock would play to cover for his partners lack of discipline. They would take off, he would have to cover. His ability to transition in the neutral zone, advance out of the d zone, were all honed by basically being alone back there. That is how he made his name known to recruiters. He is the Pat Mahomes of D men, can get you out of anything. Now that he is in the NHL, he has guys that he can rely on, guys that realize, Brock is the man, he has the skills, THEY are now sub servant to him and that gives him freedom. So basically he has finally escaped having to be the security blanket.

    Posts: 10798

    I have to respectfully disagree on the face mask portion. We will not see bird cages any time soon. Two reasons. Players will not sign off on it and there is way more respect to injury sake when guys don’t have full cages.
    Way more neck injuries when players feel invisible with a full cage.

    Posts: 8039

    Think of it this way, almost exactly 30 years ago the NHL was at the same point with Helmets that we’re at now with half shields. Helmets had been grandfathered in and maybe 5-10 guys still playing without one, just like the few guys without visors now. That was only 30 years ago and the change from no helmet to helmet is a lot bigger than half shield to full.

    I agree it won’t be soon, because fighting will have to go first. But the Q has already started that ball rolling and soon as the W and O follow suit, then it’s only a matter of time for the NHL.

    Posts: 8039

    But are the yotes looking kinda nice or what?

    Wagon. In the last 5 games they played the last 5 cup winners and are 5-0 with a combined score oc 19-5. Today there’s rumors of land purchased for their new Barn. Things are great in the ASU campus Arizona

    In seriousness though I’m a huge fan of their coach Tourigney. Last year they were basically Keller Schmaltz and 18 AHL dudes but they played so hard and were not a pushover by any means. This year they have a little more talent and are a legit good team right now. I still think the wheels fall off at some point but they’re rolling now.

    Posts: 16282

    I think you’ll start to see Owners putting pressure on the NHLPA to figure out a phase in plan. They will claim its for player safety, but in reality it will be mostly driven by the salaries the players are now making more than anything…if there’s a way for an owner to reduce risk of his star player making $10+ million a year getting hurt and missing games due to face/neck injuries, they will push for it…

    Grouse mentioned another important point, as sad as the Adam Johnson tragedy was, it really didn’t hit mainstream media like it should have because it happend overseas for a team nobody ever heard of…if something like that would happen on a ESPN or TNT telecast at MSG there would be tons of outcry on why there isn’t more protection for the players and how could the team/owners be so stupid…

    Another point to think about in terms of mandating things in the NHL, Northstar Bill Masterton died during a Northstars vs Seals game due to a huge open ice hit that knocked him backwards hitting his head on the ice in 1968, he was rushed to the hospital and sadly died a few hours later, it was 11 years later until Helmets were mandated in the NHL.

    Times are different now, but 11 years! to make a helmet rule after somebody died directly due to not wearing one…

    Posts: 10798

    I think you’ll start to see Owners putting pressure on the NHLPA to figure out a phase in plan. They will claim its for player safety, but in reality it will be mostly driven by the salaries the players are now making more than anything…if there’s a way for an owner to reduce risk of his star player making $10+ million a year getting hurt and missing games due to face/neck injuries, they will push for it…

    How many games are NHL players missing because of facial injuries?
    My guess is not many at all.

    Posts: 16282

    I think you’ll start to see Owners putting pressure on the NHLPA to figure out a phase in plan. They will claim its for player safety, but in reality it will be mostly driven by the salaries the players are now making more than anything…if there’s a way for an owner to reduce risk of his star player making $10+ million a year getting hurt and missing games due to face/neck injuries, they will push for it…

    How many games are NHL players missing because of facial injuries?
    My guess is not many at all.

    its gonna happen, I’m merely explaining why the owners wont fight it, it helps eliminates some risk of their assets which they would be all for it

    Posts: 10798

    I am willing to bet it doesn’t happen any time soon if ever.
    A bit of an over reaction to call for face masks IMO.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15703

    Those jerseys the Flames are wearing are hideous. A flaming horse? Lol what a dumb logo.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1330

    Moose with a great first goal.

    Posts: 16282

    Good lord how long do they go before they give Johansson a night off to exercise his demons…he’s just killing our 2nd line…

    Posts: 10798

    Those jerseys the Flames are wearing are hideous. A flaming horse? Lol what a dumb logo.

    It’s not new.

    Posts: 16282

    Deano’s gotta be like WTF Guys!!!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11000

    Well, I think our stars are feeling it again……

    Posts: 2461

    Now if Jojo could figure his crap out

    Posts: 16282

    Wallstedt with another win tonight in Iowa, stopped 30/31 shots! Dudes last 3 games have been just ridiculous!

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5505

    This is just a totally different team right now.

    Posts: 16282

    Go look at Kirill’s first 3+ season starts and how he takes off scoring points after game 18 or so, its unreal how its every season…

    Posts: 16282

    Freddy loses 3 consecutive draws all perfectly clean in a row and the Flames score…

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 683

    Now if Jojo could figure his crap out

    Why do people think this guy has more in him than what he is producing? He’s basically a .5point/game guy over his career. And he’s basically on that pace right now.

    I’ve never understood why people think he’s such a valuable player.

    Posts: 16282

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>basseyes wrote:</div>
    Now if Jojo could figure his crap out

    Why do people think this guy has more in him than what he is producing? He’s basically a .5point/game guy over his career. And he’s basically on that pace right now.

    I’ve never understood why people think he’s such a valuable player.

    Fans/The Wild were just hoping he’d pick back up the great chemistry he and Boldy had the last 2 months of last season…hasn’t happend…our “2nd” line hasn’t done anything 5-5 for most of the season sofar (they did get 1 goal last night) that can’t continue…

    Posts: 16282

    So it has to be a bit concerning for GMBG and staff that Hartman really doesn’t have a good roster spot right now and its possibly a glimpse of his Wild future moving forward. Now he is a good “Utility Player” in that he can fill in up & down the lineup if needed and its possible, if not likely that he slots in for Maroon next season and plays with Foligno, and maybe that’s the plan, but you can’t have a guy making $4aav on the 4th line next year and beyond…that’s a salary cap management disaster if that’s ultimately the case…His NMC reduces to a 15-10 team no trade list in the final 2 years of his new deal, so he’s for sure on the Wild next season…

    Hartman has been mostly invisible on the 4th line since back from suspension as the Dewey’s have been doing everything…

    Posts: 16282

    Dewey2 looking/acting a “bit more normal” on Wild on 7th….the part about why he’s Dewey2 nd not Dewey1 is pretty funny…We really need a deep dive video where they follow the Deweys on a road trip or something before Dewey1 eventually gets traded…

    SW Metro
    Posts: 10696

    There’s always room on the bandwagon, we’ll find you some extra chairs when you’re ready.

    I think we have the chairs squared away thanks to a Black Friday deal. Will the parade be St Paul only? Or do you think they will run it down University to Minneapolis too? rotflol

    Posts: 16282

    tomorrow nights game is sort of the end of the John Hynes honeymoon period. They’ve won 4 games in a row, but Chicago and Calgary playing their backup and then rookie goalies just called up aren’t the best competition. Yes the Blues and Predator wins were good because those teams had been playing well recently, but they are still bottom half of the league teams and the Wild first 2 games after the coaching change and teams usually get a boost.

    So games against Vancouver, Edmonton (4 wins in a row) and Seattle (last game of a tough travel schedule) will really show if this team’s resurgence is for real or not… I’m exited to see them play against better teams…

    Posts: 20635

    Hadnt the Preds won (checks notes) 6 games in a row? This team is playing much differently now. I dont see a loss on the schedule.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15703

    The measuring stick out west are the Golden Knights, Avalanche, and Stars. Vancouver is a nice story and they can score goals. I wouldn’t get too excited about beating the Blackhawks, Blues, or Flames. I think the Wild are superior to those three teams and its not that close.

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