Mastering Plastics Video

  • lundnut
    New Market MN
    Posts: 18

    Dustin/James- Bought your video and really enjoyed it. It was put together very well and is one of the better ones I’ve seen. I was hoping there was a day 2 I have only fished pool 2 and 4 a couple times years back, but plan on doing more in the future. The information I gathered will really help the next time out. Do you have any other videos in the works? If so, what topics will you be covering? I’ll buy one for sure! Thanks

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Hey guys,

    I would like to thank you for expressing interest in more videos. At this present time James and I are making plans to shoot another one in the future. We are not sure what it will cover as of yet. Finding the time in our schedules is the biggest obstacle we have to over come right now. One thing for sure we will have another one on film hopefully in the next year .

    It is nice to see some suggestions on what presentations the viewers would like to see us focus on. Anyone has anymore ideas let us know

    Thank again guys!

    Posts: 64

    I just had the privilege to watch the mastering plastics video as well. Much to my surprise, the video focused on the tactics and locations to pursue these river walleyes. I expected to see fish after fish hoisted in the boat like some of the various fishing productions out there on tv. I was impressed with the video because James and Dustin seemed focused on putting out a good product for river fisherman everywhere to benefit from. Good job.

    Posts: 517

    Any idea where I can pick one of these up?


    Posts: 517

    Nevermind… I found the “search” function useful. LOL

    Can’t wait to get the video (and since I was in the neighborhood some new plastics!!)

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