Pool #4 11/12-11/14

  • 192-fazer
    Cedar Falls Ia.
    Posts: 84

    Just got back from our annual fall migration trip to pool #4. The fishing was great as always. We met a couple of IDAers that I’ve seen on this website for some time now and finally got a chance to meet. Ran into Vandy while getting some good information from Dean at Everts. It still amazes me how much these people are willing to share valuable information with you up there. Thanks guys.

    The first day we were after nothing but pigs. My buddy Speed Trollin bribed Dean with an assortment of homemade cookies. You may not know this, but I hear cookies are like alcohol to Dean. The more you feed him the looser his tongue gets to his secret honey hole.
    We set out to get away from the crowds up at the damn by heading down river to a place we found this summer that looked like it would be great this fall. We started pitching 1/8th oz precision jigs with K-grubs and ring worms to shallow rip rap areas. My buddy speedy caught a nice 24 inch walleye as he work the deeper water and I worked the shallows. He also caught a 23 1/2 incher that day. You probably won’t get great numbers using this metod but the quality of fish was much better. All I could seem to catch were those darn chunky green carp, and short walleyes. All those fish were cpred.

    Day two our group arrived and we headed up to the damn area to get some fish for the frying pan. The water temperature was 44 degrees winds were light at first, then began to pick up out of the south. We began cathing cookie cutter walleyes in the 15-16 inch size, lots of them. We caught them on purple/char and firecracker/char ring worms, one eyes, bucktail hair jigs, and cotton candy super doos. That was Dean’s suggestion to try. It was also my first super doo fish. The flow is much better than last year, and a little more stained.
    We also fished the current seams, and pick up some really nice saugers later in the day. My best advice to anyone is do not miss the evening bite, it’s fantastic. My best lure of the day for numbers and size was a 3/8th black hair jig with purple tinsil. This had to be one of the best strings of fish we’ve ever had up there.

    Day three brought a cold front, 40 mph wind gusts and 180 degree wind direction change. We had to anchor up most the day which in itself was a chore. Met another IDAer from my neck of the woods that day as a few flurries began to fall on us. It was nice to meet you Where’s Waldo. Also found out he lives next to my boss, small world isn’t it? We struggled more this day, but still managed a very nice string with some real quality fish. Now’s the time to get up there because the fish are biting, and be sure to stop in and talk to Dean. He’ll start you in the right direction, and save you some valuable time on the water.

    I always look forward to this trip with a great bunch of guy that all get along, and getting to see some old, and make some new friends.

    Gaylen 192 Fazer

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