Rod Senstivity!

  • flick
    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    I bought this product today called “The Balancer” it makes your rod feel almost weightless! Its a plastic butt cap that fits over the bottom of your rod that has weights in it! You add more weight for how long your rod is! I havent had time to use it but i will tell you how it turns out after i get the chance to test it out! Has anyone else used these??

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 27

    Now… I just want to clarify here… you are talking about a FISHING rod… right?

    Alma WI
    Posts: 382

    Yes….A Fishing Rod!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Yeah, I’ve used the product and still own the set up. If you’ve ever held a Mitchell Fulcrum Pro in your hands, the idea of the balancer is to give you the same feel. One of the rod tip being lighter than the butt, with only one finger in front of the reel seat.

    Pro: Because of the adjustability, it can give you the position you desire.

    Con: It doesn’t duplicate the overall rod feel of a rod that is predesigned to have that feel. It’s still heavier and you will feel it’s presence at the butt of the rod. Also, it doesn’t fit all rods equally so be certain you’re getting a TIGHT fit on the rod you’re using. The more weight to balance, the firmer the fit must be…………it DOES slip if used in casting applications. Trolling? Not an issue.

    Do I still use mine today? No. I bought 2 Fulcrum Pros. 1 casting and 1 spinning, in the broadest use application available. The factory balance is uncomparable to any other rod made and is way better than what the kit is able to provide. I also found that the proper reel on the proper rod balances so well that it did away with the need for the balancer. That is an individual preference and not to say that the balancer is junk………..cuz it’s not. It’s just that when it’s compared to “better quality workmanship”, I found it unneccessary.

    Will I ever use it again? Yes. Trolling. Period. I’ve gotten into some longer rods and no matter how light that rod is, I wouldn’t refuse a lighter feel in the tip. I know it’ll work just fine because I’ve used it before and I will look forward to using when I see it as beneficial to my specific purpose.

    Hope it works well for you!

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    I’ve also used these before and fully agree with the kid. Many die-hard baitcaster fisherman spend good money to have rods made and custom balanced. Their a good cheap substitute.
    I strictly use these for trolling now, and have gotten away from holding on to the rods so much while doing it.
    Con- They don’t fit thru some rod holders very well.
    To get more weight in them you will sometimes have to use electrical tape to hold them on, this will also allow them to slide thru the rod holders a little easier.

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