Lowrance HDS 8

  • Coreyhuberty
    Posts: 322

    Looking at purchasing a 2011-HDS 8 from a co-worker,
    He mentioned it not have SI,DI or structure scan, now can these features be added some how?

    Are these good units as well?

    Posts: 776

    Side imaging is an add on unit LSS2, this does the SI and HD DI,HDS 8 does GPS&Typicall but High Def Sonar,I’ve had a HDS7& LSS1 for 2 yrs and just bought a new gen2 HDS8 I like them a lot! This is a gen1 unit just not as fast a prossesor,it is slower than the new gen2.


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    IMHO, the Gen 1 HDS 8’s are wonderful units. I run 1 along with 2 HDS 10’s and haven’t experienced a single problem.

    Since the new Gen 2’s came out, it really knocked down the value of our Gen 1’s (2011 and older) so maybe check around on someplace like ebay to see what they are going for.

    The HDS 8 has broadband HD sonar and as mentioned in ealrier post, you would need to add the Lowrance LSS 1 structure scan unit to get SI & DI Structure scan.

    My $.02, it the price is somewhat close to the new HDS 8 Gen 2, go new (much faster and other advanced benifits). I beleive Lowrance is still offering pretty good rebates. If you feel it’s a really good deal, go with the 2011, guessing you wouldn’t be dissapointed.

    Good luck

    Glen Ellyn, IL
    Posts: 550

    Actually, I am pretty sure you want the LSS1. The LSS 2 is for the Gen 2 units. If you gettheses at BPS, or others, I think they are about $50 less than the LSS 2. You will need to get the structure scan unit, and I would assume the transducer. You may want to double check on that, the ducer may come with the add on package.

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