ottertail cnty ice

  • fieds
    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    my icefishin buddy was on rush lake sunday and witnessed a ice house go down in front of the winter drive on access.
    the guys were able to cut and drag it out though. lake ice up here is definitly not thick enough for 16 footers.

    on the bite side, rush produced no wally’s only pike for them.
    we tried lightning saturday and got skunked too.

    friday hoot lake got me one 8 inch wally.

    we’ve gotten @ 3 inches of snow today which will set us back for good ice.

    there’s shacks on pelican lake in the narrows but people got to be careful, i’m sure there will be some flooding stories after this snow is done. colder temps are right around the corner though.

    be safe, fieds

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4852

    When fishing Pelican, Do they set up right along the steep drop off just no. of the Narrows?

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    pelican lake by ashby. i’ve always went west/south of the road access. are we talkin the same lake, or pelican by pelican rapids?

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4852

    Same lake…Know the lake well in the summer time. Never fished it in the Winter. I have my trailer at Indian Mounds resort.

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    alot of panfish to the left/north of the acces road. i have only fished there a couple times over the years. all my wally’s have come from the main lake side in 8 foot.

    i didn’t get any hot bite chatter from my “spys” this thanksgiving holiday down there so i can’t comment on the recent bite. Wed. of last week i heard slow was the word.


    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4852

    How far off the Access road? I might need to make a road trip.

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    Not real far, after getting on the narrows, i usually walk about 50 to 70 yards towards the public access on hwy 78.

    by this weekend there will prob. be quite a few shacks.

    rumor has it that the christina lake outlet has muddied the water to the point you cant see your minnow 6 inches down.

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