no ice fishing in otc?

  • fieds
    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    pretty quite in the ottertail forum, anyone make it out during the holidays? star, lida, rush or ottertail? johnson, eagle, pelican by ashby or west battle?

    i didn’t get much time myself. my holiday consisted of replacing my furnace, hot water heater, cell phone went down the hole; the only hole of eight that was open; fish house heater quit and front and rear head gasket in the van just to top er off. thank god i’ve got some jigging spoons, it’ll be awhile before i can by minnows.

    almost forgot, the queens cant beat the cubs

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    It appears on the lakes there’s plenty of people fishing, just not a lot of talk. I’m guilty on the lack of talk..

    I wasn’t around for the blizzards, but I got home early to find the lakes flooded, including almost my fishhouse. Luckily got it jacked up and safe and sound.

    Fishing has been inconsistent the past couple weeks. Some days are good, other days are fantastic. Total hit and miss, at least on walleyes.

    I heard the slush is pretty nasty on the lakes after the big snowfalls. I haven’t experienced that, but I do know travel without a road isn’t really going to happen. It’s snowmobile time.

    Hope to make up some lost fishing time, but also get some much needed work done during the day…I’m far behind.

    I’m finding best eye activity around 25′ during prime time hours. Full moon phases have been best, so have to wait a little while longer for moonlight.

    Good luck!

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