Mille Lacs Report – Friday night

  • Brian G
    Independence, MN
    Posts: 159

    We got up a little late last night and got on the water arond 7:00. Conditions were ideal, good cloud cover and a nice chop on the water. We headed out to a south end gravel bar and did some rigging in 26-29 feet and caught a couple small ones right away. Strangely, my 11 year old was running a 4 foot leader on a bouncing rod and totally schooled me while I pulled a 10 foot leader with a red hook/green bead. I figured why fight it, so shortened my leader to 5 feet and caught a nice slot fish right away. Hmmm.

    It got to be around prime time so we anchored up on top of the reef in 22 feet and proceeded to have a blast. We had a fish going literally every 3-4 minutes for the next hour, and then another strange thing happened. Just the sun peeked out of the clouds and went below the horizon, the bite shut off compeletely! Go figure, apparently these walleyes have not read the magazine articles about how they’re supposed to behave.

    It was a great night to be out! We’re sitting in the cabin eating hot dogs now and waiting for a little rain squall to blow through before we hit it again.

    Get up here if you can, the bite is on!!


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Congrats on a good night out and thanks for the update!

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