Ice Report for The Red Door Resort 1-2-14

  • Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Ice Report for The Red Door Resort 1-2-14

    The conditions are improving!
    The area 1/3 mile out that we have been monitoring had been measuring 8 inches on Monday 12-30-13 now measures 10 inches. The areas out on Bombeck and Resort Flat were measuring 10 and are now 11 inches. So with the cold over the past 3-4 days we have added some depth to over ice. We still found wet flooded areas on our travels out to Bombeck Flat and beyond. These are areas that flooded from cracks. We did come across a number of cracks from the extreme cold temperatures. On Friday we will see a big warm up! along with this warm up we expect the shoreline to have a big heave with the temperature change. Our plan is to look at some work to start on this Friday-Saturday with the equipment and possibly pulling houses on Tuesday after the “Polar Blast” on Monday.


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