
  • Anonymous

    Well, the weather was just too nice to sit around or work around the house all day, so I was able to talk the wife and kids into going for “a drive.” Now my wife knows that whenever I go for a drive, at least one fishing pole needs to be in the pickup just in case we run into water somewhere.

    Well, we had to stop in at Palo, you know, since the ice was out and all. Rigged two poles with a small hook, bobber, and a waxworm and threw to the shallow flat by the fishing pier south of the main ramp. ‘Gills aren’t up shallow yet.

    We moved around and fished simple split-shot rigs, again with waxies, right over the trees at the end of the pier. Caught one bluegill, the biggest I’ve ever caught from that lake by far. She felt like a cow on the ultralight.

    Long story short: Water is cold & clear – think ice fishing tactics.

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